A Marking
Click Floorplan on the Left Toolbar
or click Floorplan in the top right corner.
To select the Marking to edit EITHER click on Markings, Show More and List to go to the full list of Markings on the map, and click into the desired option OR enable Clickable Markings under Layers and click on the Marking you wish to modify.
- Map - If you have multiple maps in a parent-child configuration, you may migrate the Marking between maps. (This is useful because Markings associated with child maps will show up on both parent and child, and Marking on a parent map will show up on parent only.
- Description - the description of this Marking, which will be used to identify it in operations that use dropdowns.
- Left X, Left Y, Right X, Right Y - the coordinates of the Marking. Size and position of the Markingcan be changed on the floorplan by using the Move and Resize features.
- Poly - if the Marking is poly, coordinates will be listed here. Do not adjust.
Marking Line Type - Choose between Caption, Outline and Solid
- Caption - text only
- Outline - a clear box outlined with the chosen color
- Solid - a box shaded in specified color and with a thin black outline.
- Marking Line Style - for Outline markings, allows choosing between Regular, Dashed or Dotted line
- Marking Line Thickness - for Outline markings allows specifying the thickness of the outline. 1 is the thinnest, 10 the thickest.
- Color - Color of the outline for Outline marking or of the marking itself for Solid marking. Select from the available colors.
Fill Opacity - For Solid markings, this feature allows the Marking to be a solid non-transparent space or more transparent to allow the building layer to show beneath.
- 100 is the default. 255 is entirely opaque, single digits are almost entirely transparent.
- Label Text - What will appear in the Marking.
- Display - Specify the direction of the text, Horizontal vs Vertical
- Label Color - The color of the text in the Marking.
Label Font Size - The size of the text within the Marking
- 10 is standard for a space 20X20 or larger
- Label Font Style - Regular or Bold
- Label Align/V Align - Where the text will be displayed within the Marking
- Marking Image - Display an image on the floorplan.