Discover all your upcoming Session has to offer.
While every event site differs, we hope to guide you through what you can expect on the Session Details page or visit our FAQ's*.
- Locate Session Details when you click into the title from the Sessions or Speaker Details pages.
- Typically* you will see the speaker short profile and a description of their track(s), methodology, learning objectives, handout(s) and additional information will be listed.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Where can I find speaker handouts?
A: It is important to note that speaker handout(s) are solely up to the speaker to upload and provide at any time before, during or after the event. If there is not a handout on the session you are viewing, the speaker has not elected to offer it to the public and that is their choice.
Q: How can I ask the presenter a question?
A: While rare, some events may offer speaker question and answer fields for you to add your questions before the event begins. Character limits apply.