This suite of Business Intelligence and Reporting pacing reports can be added to any system that uses Financials.
Adding the Reports
- In Business Intelligence and Reporting, create a new folder under My Custom Reports to contain these reports. (This step is optional, but will make locating them easier)
- Download the reports from this article
- Upload each of the reports into the folder.
Running the Reports
See Getting Started for general information on running Business Intelligence Reports.
When running these reports, the events to be compared will need to be selected in the filter view.
Reports List
Note: YoY = Year over Year
Compare_Company_Order_Summary – Company Purchase Comparison YoY - Summary of the companies in the selected events, what they purchased, for each event selected, with yearly total by company. There are included filters to see subsets of information like a particular Item Type, Item, State, Country, or Sales Person.
Compare_Order_Summary - Financial Summary YoY – Summary of all purchases for selected events, grouped by Item Type and then summed by Item. There are no additional filters in this report.
Pacing_Booth_Count – Booths Sold YoY – Compares the number of booths sold, based on weeks out from event. This currently shows only the chart and has built in filters to show subsets by Booth Type or Sales Person.
Pacing_Booth_SqFt - SqFt Sold YoY – Compares the square footage sold, based on weeks out from event. This currently only shows the chart and has built in filters to show subsets by Booth Type or Sales Person
Pacing_Order – Overall Sales YoY – Compares the overall ordered amount, based on weeks out from event. This currently only shows the chart and has built in filters to show subsets by Item Type, Item, or Sales Person
Pacing_Payments – Overall Income (or Payments) YoY – Compares the overall ordered amount, based on weeks out from event. This currently only shows the chart, and has built in filters to show subsets by Payment Mode or Sales Person.
Past_Week_Summary - a financial summary for the past 7 days.