Products help showcase exhibitor services or individual products within their eBooth Profiles and on the event product or marketplace page on the event site.
While every event has a variety of content and custom design within each page, we hope to guide you through what you can expect on the Add Product(s) page or visit our FAQ's*.
- Let's get started by clicking the Products button typically* located within your Exhibitor Console.
Add your product(s) under the Product Management heading noted by the letter "A" in the image below.
- Only after a product is added will there be any results under Product Name, noted by the letter "B" below.
- Only after a product is added will there be any results under Product Name, noted by the letter "B" below.
Add your Product Name (50 characters), a brief Description (255 characters) , and a full Product Detail.
- The Description field appears on product preview, and the Product Detail on the product profile.
- Check off the product type, should your event offer this option.
Add product images.
- The small image is the thumbnail displayed on the Product Gallery and the Exhibitor Profile.
The large image is displayed on the product page itself.
- When adding your Product detail, utilize the WYSIWYG editor features to create engaging content.
Once you click Add, the product will be added to the Product Name list on the top of the page that offers a preview, delete and edit option once the product saves.
- These added Product(s) will appear on your exhibitor online profile and may also appear on a Product Gallery page on the event site.
- These added Product(s) will appear on your exhibitor online profile and may also appear on a Product Gallery page on the event site.
When the Product Management section of the page no longer appears, this means you have used up the allotted product entries your event has chosen to offer.
- If you do not see any instructional text to let you know how many products you may add, contact the event directly to inquire.
- For events with the quantity listed, this is the amount included.
- If there is "upgrade" text or a Buy Digital Promotional Opportunities button on your exhibitor console, click into it to see if your event offers an upgrade for more products.