Reports>Exposition Management>Unassigned Booth Space Orders
Events>Exposition>Reports>Unassigned Booth Space Orders
Module: Floorplan Management, Financial Management
Users can get a list of all Booth Space Orders that have not been associated with a booth.
Select Event – Select the Event from the dropdown to run the report for that specific show, leave at ‘---All---‘ to run the report for all events in the system that the logged in user has access to view.
Order Id – Unique number for the order in the system, auto generated at the time the order was created.
Order Date – The date the order was created.
Item – The name of the item that was purchased. Items are created in Financial Set Up.
Price – The price per quantity, for booth space this is the price per square foot.
Quantity – The number of this item ordered, for booth space this is the square footage of the booth.
Total Order Amount – The total of the order in dollars, calculated by multiplying the price by the quantity.
Operator – The username of the person who entered the order.
Company Name – Name of the company the order is associated with.
Company Number – The number entered in the Company Number field on the Company Info tab of the company record. This is not a required field and may be left blank.
Importing into Excel
At the bottom of the data table, click the "Download the ASCII Delimited Format" button. This will produce a delimited text file.
In Excel, open a new blank document. On the Data tab, click Get Data. Choose "From File-> From Text/CSV". Locate your file, and click Import.