Events> Event Settings> Content Management> FAQ Management
This feature allows adding new FAQs questions and answers.
FAQ (2000 characters, no formatting) - the question to be answered
Answer (4000 characters.) Allows HTML. If images need to be included, upload them using File Management.
Publish (checkbox) - display or not display the question-answer set on the Public Site at this time.
FAQ Categories - all categories that have been added using the FAQ Category setting.
Displaying FAQs
FAQManagement.aspx is the function page that controls FAQ Management. One may have several FAQManagement.aspx pages in the menu to address different audiences.
Parameter CatID can be passed in the URL (in the Menu Name in Content Management) to display only specific FAQ Categories.
will result in
Note – Once a FAQ has been added, the user can modify the information by clicking on that Question in the FAQ List at the top of the page.