Tip #1: Always Backup!
Introducing Bootstrap classes for your tables can be an amazing revelation, but because they are pre-defined classes they will display your content in a specific way. Most of the time this is a good thing, but for some folks it’s not a final solution. That’s why, we always recommend backing-up your Content management source code. To do this, click on the “Source” button in content management to get the html associated w/ your page. Copy and paste all of this markup/code into a .txt or .html file, using a plain text editor like Notepad, so that you can revert if needed.
Tip #2: Test, Test, Test!
There are “7” out-of-the-box table classes that Bootstrap offers in their library. They range from the basic table [class="table"] through contextual rows, etc. You might find that one is more suitable to your user interface than the others so try them all out 1st and choose the one that makes the most sense. Remember…you can always use additional CSS to add or get around the default Bootstrap styles.
Tip #3: Responsive images
You may want to insert images into your tables; using the Boostrap class of “img-responsive” re-sizes images automatically to their parent element. Give it a try!