Companies>Search and Add Companies>Company Record>Relationships Tab
When a company is a subsidiary of another company in the system, the two can be linked with a parent/child relationship.
This is for information and reporting purposes only, and is a separate feature from booths having a parent-child relationship, which impacts how booths are displayed on the floorplan. For booth parent-child relationships, see article.
Associate the Parent Company
- Search for and select the child company, choose the relationships tab.
- Type the first few letters of the parent companies name into the associate parent company form and click Search.
- Select the parent company from the drop down list. If the parent company is not in the list, try searching with less characters, or add the company to the database using Companies>Search and Add Company>Add Company Form
- Click Add
Parent Company List
After a parent company has been associated, a parent company list will appear. To access the parent company record from this screen, click on the Company ID or Company Name of the parent company. Clicking delete will dissociate the parent company from the child company, but will not delete the parent companies record from the systems database.
Child Company list
In the parent company record in the relationships tab, there is a list of all the associated child companies. To access the child company record from this screen, click on the Company ID or Company Name of the child company.