The Floor Plan Banner Ad feature is available for clients to sell ad space outside of the system or give away to your top exhibitors. These spaces can also be used as buttons to help navigate exhibitors to important information about your event.
If you are participating in our Revenue Acceleration Program, banner ads will be loaded by the A2Z Events team into a tool which can serve multiple ads in each slot and track pageloads and clicks for each ad.
- Banner Ads without Revenue Acceleration Program
- Banner Ads with Revenue Acceleration Program
- Troubleshooting
The ads will appear on the bottom of the eventmap.aspx page.
Banner ad specs:
205 x 60 pixels
.jpg, .png, .gif
When EventMap is viewed in small browsers (such as mobile phones) only Banner Ad 1 will be displayed.
Adding a Banner Ad
To update the Banner Ads, follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Upload Banner Image to File Management
(Events > Event Settings > File Management)
STEP 2: Insert Banner Image in Message Management
(Events > Event Settings > Message Management)
User the Insert Image option in the WYSIWYG toolbar to search for the image you uploaded in File Management:
Click 'OK' and 'Save' your changes to the Message. Check your eventmap.aspx page to make sure the Banner Ad is displaying properly.
TIP: you can click on the 'Link' tab in Image Properties to link the Image to a website URL
Please do not use message #3342 (Banner Ad 4) and 3343 (Banner Ad 5) for sponsor logos; they have special programming that will make it work incorrectly if reused.
Revenue Acceleration Program Banner Ad Tool
Revenue Acceleration Program utilizes a third-party banner ad tool which has the following additional features
- When ads are loaded into the Banner Ad tool, multiple ads can occupy each of the three banner ad slots.
- View and click rates are tracked, and statistics for each ad can be provided at the end of the event.
Each time the floorplan is loaded, as well as every predetermined number of seconds, each slot will select one of the banners associated with it and serve a random one each time.
NOTE: this is not a rotation of each ad in turn, but a random load. It is designed to ensure that each ad is served a statistically proportionate part of the time. This may sometimes result in the same ad being served twice in a row for a particular viewer.
On small devices such as phones only the left-most ad will be visible.
Because the third-party tool is in use, the fulfilment of banner ads must be conducted by a2z team, who will place the ad into the tool if contacted via email at Please make sure to attach the ad that is correctly sized, 205x60px. If a specific URL is desired please make sure to include it, otherwise the ad will be linked to the booth profile.
Q: A banner appears on EventMap, but the Message appears to be blank
A: Banner Ad tool banners are added by inserting HTML code, which is invisible in default view. The code can be seen by clicking on Source button. If the banner ad is from a previous event, you may delete all code in Source view and Save before adding the new banner. If you are participating in the RAP program and the banner has been added for this year, please do not delete code.
Q: The banner is pushed down or to the side
A: There may be old event's code that's showing up next to this year's ad. Click on the Source button, and remove everything that's not your image. Or remove everything, switch back to regular view, and re-add your image.
Q: I only see one very image, the others are hidden
A: The images don't auto-rescale; please make sure they are sized correctly, so they all fit within their slots and they are not pushing other images out.