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1. Concurrent Sessions in Attendee's Personalized Itinerary
When an attendee inadvertently favorites more than one sessions scheduled to run concurrently, it can often cause frustration and confusion when s/he is onsite. To proactively help prevent this, there is a visual cue built into the My Itinerary screen of your a2z-powered event website.
The concurrent session is highlighted in red alerting the user that they have added more than one session in the same timeslot.
2. Multiple Floor Plan Views
Show managers often have a compelling business reason for optionally displaying architectural features such as air walls, floor ports, and electrical drops on their show's floor plan.
Your a2z-powered event map can be easily configured to display specific views of the show floor in the attendee or exhibitor navigation. With this feature, attendees can be shown a visually uncluttered version of the floor plan on the event website, while the exhibitors can view the floor plan with the specific utilities that they need access to onsite.
In addition, a handy drop-down tool in Global Admin > Floor Plan Management allows you to easily switch between multiple views per your requirements.
3. Showcase Session Sponsor
In a2z, it's very easy to promote the sponsoring company for a specific session on your event website. When adding the session in Global Admin, just add their name, full path to their logo and the URL of their website.
Bonus Tip
Need to show logos for multiple sponsors? Just upload an image with multiple logos and link to a page featuring all the sponsors. In fact, many show organizers use this option to showcase multiple exhibitors by building links to a version of the exhibitor list displaying their info or a view of the floor plan with their booths highlighted using specific URL parameters (see previous month's tip here to learn how to do this for your event).