This email blast is sent out to confirm an accepted Speaker’s session at a specific event. Information about the time, date, room number of the session, and other session specific information are available to include in the template. If a speaker is presenting at multiple sessions there will be a confirmation letter created for each session.
1. Update the Confirmation letter template
1.1 Events> Event Settings> Event Settings> Template Management> 41 SpeakerConfirmationReport
1.2. Edit Content of letter
1.2.1. Add merge fields
To add a Merge Field, select the field from the drop down entitled “List of Fields”, place your cursor where you want the field to be, and then click Insert. Do not remove the ## characters because this tells the system it is a merge field.
1.2.2. Add images
Images are first uploaded into Events>Features>Content Management>File Management, then selected by clicking the Image Manager Icon (or using crtl+M on your keyboard). Select the image from the folder you have uploaded it into, and select any styling from the menu.
1.2.3. Add hyperlinks
Hyperlinks are added by highlighting the text you want to link, clicking on the Hyperlink Manager, and entering the URL that you would like to link the selected text. Be sure to use http://.
1.2.4. Edit text
You can edit or enter new text into the main text area.
1.2.5. Format text
Text is formatted using the standard tools like Bold, Italicize, and Underline, and more advanced items like Strikethrough, page justification, font type, font size, font color, highlight color, and paragraph styles [ex. Numbered list, Heading 1]
1.2.7. Update
Click the update button to update the Template.
2. Send out the Blast
2.1. Reports> Printing & Email> Speaker Confirmation Letters
2.2. Set Criteria
2.2.1. Select Event
2.2.2. Email Type – Live/Test
Test Email – Select this, and then enter your email address to send the emails selected on the next screen to your email address.
Live – This is selected by default, and will send the emails out to the exhibitor, and mark them as sent.
NOTE: It is a recommended practice to send yourself a TEST message before sending out the LIVE messages.
2.2.3. Click ‘Go’
A list of all the Speakers that are associated with a Session will be listed. There is a column for the title of the session they are speaking, email address of the speaker, and the date the speaker was last sent for this speaker/session. If a speaker is speaking at multiple sessions there will be an individual confirmation letter for each of their sessions.
2.3. Select recipients
Use the Checkboxes on the left to select which Exhibitors you would like to send the confirmation letter to at this time. Use the “ALL” box at the top of the list to select everyone on the list.
2.3.1. Print
The Confirmation Letter can be printed, by selecting Word Format, and then Print. This will create a Word Document that contains all the Confirmation letters for the selected contacts.
2.3.2. Email(s)
To Email the confirmation letter, click the Email(s) button and the letter will be sent to all the selected contacts. By default this sends in HTML Format.
3. Send out one letter
To send a confirmation letter to just one speaker, go to the Session>Speaker, and click the Print/Email link under Speaker Confirmation. Then select either Email or Print.
3.1. Print
The confirmation letter can be printed, by selecting word format, and then print. This will create a word document that contains the confirmation letters for this speaker.
3.2. Email(s)
To email the confirmation letter, click the email(s) button and the letter will be sent to this exhibitor. By default this sends in HTML format.