Events>Content Management> Select Content Page to Edit
Content.aspx pages can be edited by clicking on the menu name, and editing the text and images in the content window. Functional pages, like ExhibitorConsole.aspx and MyAccount.aspx, can have text added to the top of the page by adding this to the content window – other changes to functional pages need to be done through Message Management.
Description of All Functional Pages
Edit Page Options
Menu Line 1: This is the name of this page as it will appear on the public side.
Menu Line 2: If the page name has too many characters to fit across in one line, use this option to add a second line to this button on the event site.
File Name: The name this file is stored as in Global Admin (Optional)
Page Title: The name of the page as it will appear on the tab of the browser when it is viewed on the event site. If blank, the url will appear on the tab.
Start Date & End Date: Select a date range that this page should be "turned on and off" from being accessed from the public side. (Optional)
Menu Name: The file location that identifies this page. This is auto generated by our system, but can be manually changed here if needed. Ex: eventmap.aspx, content.aspx?id=123 You can also link to an external URL. Ex:
Login: If this page should be seen only by attendees with logins, or exhibitors for this event select the appropriate log in type. If ‘Not Required’ is selected than anyone who goes to the event site will be able to view this page.
Meta Tags: These are invisible text not seen on the event site which search engines will use to find and rate this page. Meta Tags should be entered in the following format:
<meta name="Description" content="Description here." />
<meta name="Keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, etc" />
Content Window
In the content window paste or type the desired content, then use the ezWYG tool to format the text. Tables, images, and hyperlinks can also be added using the ezWYG tool bar. Remember to use responsive tables and images to make your website mobile-friendly. To make an image responsive, add class="img-responsive" directly after <img in the source code.
If preferred, the user can create the content outside of the system, and paste the HTML code instead. To do this the user would click on the SOURCE option at the top right of the content window, and then either right click and select paste, or use ctrl+v (or for Mac, command+v).
After all the desired changes have been made, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save”.