Company Record>Financial Summary Tab
The Financial Summary shows the amount that this company has ordered, been invoiced for, paid, and currently due for all events in the system.
The statement chart shows the breakdown for each event in the system where this company has orders.
Total Amount - sum of all Orders
Total Invoiced Amount - the amount invoiced in the current payment period
Total Amount Paid - sum of all Payments
Total Invoiced Amount Due - the amount due in this payment period
Preview – use this to open a word document of the statement. This does not process the statement, nor does it change the invoiced amount.
Process – clicking on process will generate a new statement in Word format, bring the invoiced amount up to the latest payment schedule tier, and save a copy of the statement under ‘Existing Statements”.
Existing Statements – clicking the + will open a list of all the existing statements for this company, for this event. To create a saved copy you must PRINT from the Company Fin Summary page, or the Statement Report, or EMAIL from the Company Fin Summary page.
Email – clicking email opens a new window where the statement can be emailed to the listed contact. Additionally, a BCC can be added before the statement is emailed.