Create your Speaker Profile to promote yourself and your speaking session at the event.
Completing your profile criteria ensures attendees can better search for you on the event Sessions page.
Rest assured, most of this information will have carried over from your most recent Call for Papers application.
While every event has a variety of content and custom design within each page, we hope to guide you through what you can expect on the Speaker Profile page or visit our FAQ's*.
- To begin, log in to the Speaker Console.
- Click the button titled My Profile.
The Speaker Profile may* have any variety of the fields in the example below.
- Beginning with My Profile, be sure to fill out all fields with "*" or you may receive an error code when you try to submit.
- Biography sections, if your event offers them, are a great way to add keywords to your profile so that session attendees may find you!
- If your event offers a personal photo, when uploading or editing your file, be sure the image is within the specifications (Allowed size and file type.) provided or it will not save.
If your event offers social media URLs, be sure when you add them to include https:// and the full URL.
- If you cannot put it in your browser and reach the page, neither can the validator so be sure to provide the full URL.
If you click save and receive error codes at the top of the screen, correct the information before submitting again.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How can I preview My Speaker Profile?
A: Locate the Sessions page on your event site, typically located in the Conference section or ask your event management team where the Speaker Details page is located on the event site. This page would offer you a preview of your profile.
Q: What kind of an image is best?
A: The best image is a square. It will be resized to 400x400px for a more uniform look.
Q: I am unable to add an image to my profile.
A: Check the specifications on the page to be sure the image is within the size and file parameters or it will not save.
Q: I updated my image but it only updated on one session. Why didn't the other update?
A: Be sure to check all log ins that you may have created for Call for Papers and check the confirmation emails. Often users may create multiple log ins under different emails to submit proposals which means proposals confirmed under different email/log in accounts will not be linked to the same account.
Equally as often, be sure to clear your cache and cookies to be sure your device is pulling the most updated page and images.