Companies>Company Record>Order Tab
The order tab is where you can Add and Edit Company Orders. These orders will then show on the Company Statement (which is used as the Invoice in Automatic Mode); can be associated with Invoice (in Manual Mode); and have Payments associated with them in the Payment Tab.
Add an Order

Event - select Event from drop down. If you selected an event when you logged in, that will be shown as default in the drop down.
Salesperson – Select a Sales Person from drop down, if you are not the salesperson.
Item - Select Item Type from Select Item drop down. System will list all items set up in Financial Set-Up screen and will populate the item Price
Reference Order - If this order should be associated with another order, select that existing order from the drop down.
Order Details – If desired/needed, you can enter some additional information in this field regarding the order. Ex. Order is for Advertising, Order Details may include what specifically was purchased, like “Web Banner”. The contents of Order Details will be visible on the exhibitors' Statement.
Price – This is the cost per unit. The system will automatically fill in the Price based on the Order Item. This field will only need to be edited if the price is different for this Order only [otherwise change your Rate Card first before adding items]
Qty - Change Quantity if applicable. System will default to 1; if adding an order for booth space, change qty to equal the # of square feet or meters
Apply Payment - If payment has been received, check Apply Payment. Select payment type from Payment Mode drop down. Enter Amount of payment. Change Payment Date if applicable using the Calendar Icon [System will default to today's date]
Add Order – once you have entered all required fields, you can click the “Add Order” button to submit the order.
Existing Orders
Order#: The order number, a unique ID number of each order. Can be clicked on to view or modify order details.
Event: the event the order is associated with
Item: order item.
Order Amount: Order Price multiplied by Quantity
Amount Invoiced:
Amount Paid: Payment amount allocated to the given order.
Date: date the order was originally entered
Operator: the most recent user who has made updates to the order.
Reference Order: selects another order to be associated with. Used in certain programmed workflows, may be left blank.
Void Order: click the link to cancel an order.
Edit an Existing Order
1. Scroll to the bottom to see the existing orders.
2. Click on the Order number.
3. Make edits and click Save.
- For auditing best practices is not recommended that Item Price and Item Details be changed. Order Details and Salesperson may be updated.
- Orders of item types Online Credit Card, Online Credit Card Refund, ACH Payment, ACH Payment Refund, System Transfer cannot be updated.