Editing your event site's homepage:
Editing and maintaining your A2Z Events Premium Template website is easy and learnable. Check this DIY video below for step-by-step instructions, best practices and realtime examples. Below this video is a quick written synopsis as well.
Premium Templates are available with EMM Pro.
Accessing your homepage’s include (.inc) file.
- Login to Global Admin (GA) and select Event
- Click on the "Content" button in top-right or left navigation
- Click on the "File Management" link in top-right
- In File Management, navigate to the ../custom/sidebarcontent folder
- Your editable file would be either (home.inc, home-header.inc or homepage.inc) depending on the Premium Template you've selected.
How to download it locally.
- In "File Management" open up your "Custom" folder by clicking on the + icon to the left of "Custom"
- Go to the "SidebarContent" folder. You'll notice an .inc file called (home.inc, home-header.inc or homepage.inc) depending on the Premium Template you've selected.
- Click the download icon to the far-right of this table row to download the file locally on your computer.
Considerations for free local code editor.
- Sublime Text 3
- Notepad ++
- Brackets
- Visual Studio Code
Real-time example: Changing content for your site’s hero / call-2-action section.
- See video above ^ for examples.
Backing up your work locally or in File Management
- This is an extremely important step and best practice we recommend to all of our clients creating and editing content in Global Admin (GA)
- Recommendation: Download the .inc file you want to edit (twice) and rename one of them something similar to "home.inc_17Nov20_CB"
- Make sure to upload this backed-up file as well as your (new) home.inc file just in case you ever need to revert.